Fireworks by lighthouse in Norway on New Years Eve

Tips to Reach your Goals

I have always loved a fresh start. I love New Years Day, I love Mondays, and I love the first of every month. Maybe it’s because I am a planner, and I like to reflect on where I am and where I want to be. Maybe it’s because I’ve been involved in business for so long and I view each month as a chapter to celebrate or analyze. Or, maybe it’s because when I commit to something and I totally fall off the rail (new diet, oh hey pizza) then I like the opportunity to hit refresh and start again. I love a chance to give myself grace on my shortcomings and also to allow myself to dream of what I could accomplish. I think mindfulness of our goals is important as we continue on our journeys which is why I created my 10 Tips to Reach your Goals.

This year I have four things that I am going to be working on. Not a “New Year, New Me” mindset because change takes time and work, but with the use of my 10 Tips to Reach your Goals, I believe that I can successful in them. Also, if you are interested in my four goals they are to:

1. Focus on a healthy lifestyle: workout more, eat junk food less, meditate and keep stress low.

2. Create more: writing, blogging, art, photography.

3. Consume less and experience more. Less stuff and more experiences.

4. Reduce our carbon footprint and eliminate waste of paper and plastic products.

But this isn’t about me. This is about you and my tips on what can help you reach your goals. So in the spirit of the Roaring Twenties (I’m probably going to play that out in the next 10 years), I wanted to share my 10 Tips for Accomplishing your Goals, no matter how big or small.

Photo of Hubby and Me dressed up on NYE
New Years Eve in Norway

10 Tips to Achieve your Goals in 2020

1. Set your intentions. Tell your your spouse, your mom, your friend, your dog. Write your goal on paper, or on your mirror, or on your fridge, or scream it at the top of your lungs from the top of a mountain. Say it out loud and say it often. Our words are powerful and they soon become our thoughts which become our actions.

2. Celebrate the small wins. Reaching a goal isn’t like completing a race. Most people don’t stop completely once they reach the milestone they were working so hard for. This means celebrating along the journey and understanding that is just as beneficial to the overall picture.

3. Know that the path isn’t always a straight line. Sometimes it looks like a zigzag or a complete loop. Sometimes you end up further back then you started, but you know what? If you keep going and don’t give up you will get there someday.

4. Practice mindfulness. I truly believe that I had been laying the foundation mentally for our decision to move to Norway months before it was ever an option. Every day, I started to say out loud what I am grateful for and by doing this I had a clearer vision of what I needed in my life. I felt more in tune with myself.

5. Do it afraid. The bigger the goal the more scared you will be. If it is meaningful to you then being afraid is common. But fear can be paralyzing and I have let it stop me from doing things in the past. Fear of the unknown, fear of what others would think or say, fear that I would fail. Guess what? Everything is unknown, people will think and say whatever they want no matter what you do, and the only way to truly fail is to never try. So do it afraid.

6. Brainstorm. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt and sometimes it takes a lot of ideas. Sometimes it is simple and sometimes it is not. By brainstorming you allow yourself to expand your mind. Write down any and all thoughts no matter now silly they seem. This is also fun to do with others because we all think so differently and having input from your friends or family can shed new light or help you have a light bulb moment which can be incredibly motivating.

7. Consistency is key. Different results only happen when you stay consistent in your behavior. You have to show up every day and do your best. Now, I am a firm believer that our personal best will vary depending on the day. Your best today will be very different then your best tomorrow, or in a month from now, and that is okay. Life has ebbs and flows and we are all human. Do your personal best for that day, and feel good about it. Knowing that you showed up and were consistent is half the battle.

8. Be realistic. If you have more than one goal then consider staggering them throughout the year so you don’t fall victim to being overwhelmed and giving up. If you have one big goal then break it into bite sized pieces that you can achieve and track, which will serve as motivation as you work toward the main goal.

9. Know that it is okay to change your mind. That is part of the growth mindset and sometimes with more knowledge you have learned exactly what you needed to learn, and sometimes that knowledge pushes us closer to our goal, and sometimes it causes us to change directions. 

10. When you do accomplish that goal, be proud of it. You worked hard, you sacrificed, and you made it happen. Don’t downplay the your accomplishments, be so proud of them and know that you may even inspire others to make changes they are afraid to as well. Get back to that mountain top and shout that you did it. 

Fireworks by lighthouse in Norway on New Years Eve
Fireworks display in Norway on New Years Eve

I hope you found my Top 10 Tips to Reach your Goals helpful as you look ahead to the Roaring Twenties (told you). 

Happy New Year from Norway!

xo Kelly

2 thoughts on “Tips to Reach your Goals”

  1. Couldn’t agree more!

    Personally, I find number 1 and 7 the most helpful in achieving my goals.

    I have to write them down and keep rereading them, so I stay on track.

    Best of luck with your New Year’s resolutions!

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